El Warcha in dialogue with PLAC – Participatory Ljubljana Autonomus Zone
Clever Ways of Stacking Chairs, 2022–2023, installation (chairs, broomsticks, cable ties, wood planks, stools) Boustil Flags, 2022, flag (textile and metallic rings)

Open to the street and easily accessible, the workshop of El Warcha is a maker space for production and reflection as well as a meeting place that creates and strengthens social ties in the neighbourhood. Participatory knowledge exchange is at the heart of their experimentation. Each work is rooted in its local context and involves locals designing and managing the place they live in and share. Clever Ways of Stacking Chairs are functional sculptures that visitors can modify using simple assembly techniques following the construction kit principle. The prototypes on display were created in dialogue with members of PLAC. Boustil Flags results from a year-long project with the residents of the Boustil neighbourhood designing a public square in Tunisia. Together they collected words from graffiti, billboards, and shop fronts and created a series of flags following typographic exercises. El Warcha’s practice posits furniture making and art installations as pedagogical and civic action tools alternative to traditional institutional frameworks and devises playful ways of inhabiting the museums and urban spaces.
El Warcha is a collaborative design studio started in 2016 in Tunis, Tunisia.
Anita Afonu
Sadik Kwaish Alfraji
Yasmina Benabderrahmane
Assadour Bezdikian
Max Cegielski and Janek Simon
Virginia Chihota
Galle Winston Kofi Dawson
Nolan Oswald Dennis
Nabil Djedouani
(DNLM) Danilo Milovanović
Jihan El Tahri
El Warcha in dialogue with PLAC – Participatory Ljubljana Autonomus Zone
Beti Frim and Ines Sekač
Helga Griffiths
Christian Guerematchi
Eric Gyamfi
Sonia Kacem
Mohammad Omar Khalil and Abed Al Kadiri (in dialogue)
Soghra Khurasani
Kolektiv Krater / Krater Collective
Kvadratni meter / Square Meter
Lalitha Lajmi
Malle Leis
Silvi Liiva
Kagiso Patrick Mautloa
Raul Meel
Amina Menia
Yussif Musah
Medhat Nasr Ali
Ilona Németh
noks collective
Nonument Group
Henry Obeng
Temitayo Ogunbiyi
Thierry Oussou
Krishna Reddy
Tjaša Rener
Martyna Rzepecka
Duba Sambolec
Jaanus Samma
School of Mutants (Hamedine Kane, Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro)
Mori Sikora
Aldona Skirutyte
Sanaz Sohrabi
Tejswini Narayan Sonawane
Selasi Awusi Sosu
Sreda v sredo (SVS)
Tracy Naa Koshie Thompson
Marje Üksine
Tõnis Vint
Ala Younis
Lara Žagar
Manca Žitnik
The Print Portfolio of Artists of the 35th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, The Holy Corner
International Centre of Graphic Arts
Grad Tivoli, Pod turnom 3
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
t: +386 (0)1 241 3800