noks collective
In the End We Decided Not to Give Up, 2023, light art installation (LED light installation, jumbo bags, projection, videos: Harshil Bhanushali, Leaving home, Joacelio Batista, Ich bin der Übermensch, soundscape loops) with live performance (soundscape and visuals)

A carrier bag, a marketplace, the passingthrough ideas that transform the space. The project refers to the idea of foraging ideas through movements in a public, commonly used space that often retains an untold memory of the past. It is built in a way that allows audience to explore it and find out some hidden details, like the videos that once were exhibited in One Night Public Gallery, a noks collective public space project.
The audio-visual light art installation is a meeting point, a common ground for anyone who is hungry or in need of something. This is where the performance by Franek Warzywa and Młody Budda takes off, bringing the audience a live experience and leaving behind a soundscape that stays within the installation as an echo of these sensations.
noks collective is an artist-curator collective working and living together since 2018, founded and currently based in Poland.
Franek Warzywa and Młody Budda (Francis Veggies & Young Buddha) is an audio-visual duo, born on Tik Tok, performing live only in Poland until 2023.
Anita Afonu
Sadik Kwaish Alfraji
Yasmina Benabderrahmane
Assadour Bezdikian
Max Cegielski and Janek Simon
Virginia Chihota
Galle Winston Kofi Dawson
Nolan Oswald Dennis
Nabil Djedouani
(DNLM) Danilo Milovanović
Jihan El Tahri
El Warcha in dialogue with PLAC – Participatory Ljubljana Autonomus Zone
Beti Frim and Ines Sekač
Helga Griffiths
Christian Guerematchi
Eric Gyamfi
Sonia Kacem
Mohammad Omar Khalil and Abed Al Kadiri (in dialogue)
Soghra Khurasani
Kolektiv Krater / Krater Collective
Kvadratni meter / Square Meter
Lalitha Lajmi
Malle Leis
Silvi Liiva
Kagiso Patrick Mautloa
Raul Meel
Amina Menia
Yussif Musah
Medhat Nasr Ali
Ilona Németh
noks collective
Nonument Group
Henry Obeng
Temitayo Ogunbiyi
Thierry Oussou
Krishna Reddy
Tjaša Rener
Martyna Rzepecka
Duba Sambolec
Jaanus Samma
School of Mutants (Hamedine Kane, Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro)
Mori Sikora
Aldona Skirutyte
Sanaz Sohrabi
Tejswini Narayan Sonawane
Selasi Awusi Sosu
Sreda v sredo (SVS)
Tracy Naa Koshie Thompson
Marje Üksine
Tõnis Vint
Ala Younis
Lara Žagar
Manca Žitnik
The Print Portfolio of Artists of the 35th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, The Holy Corner
International Centre of Graphic Arts
Grad Tivoli, Pod turnom 3
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
t: +386 (0)1 241 3800